
Largest Battles On 2b2t

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The Largest Battles On 2b2t were large armed encounters that have occurred on 2b2t that proved to have the largest amount of combatants seen in the history of 2b2t. Currently, 4 battles have been recorded to be the biggest, however, there may have been more undocumented battles that occurred over 2b's long history and recording only began during and after the events of the Rusher War.

Known Largest Battles

Note: If there have been larger battles or battles that had less combatants than the ones listed, please feel free to add and rearrange the order accordingly. Keep in mind that battle on 2b2t today usually is very limited on deaths, therefore casualties will include fleeing, combat logging, and actual deaths, in there small amounts.

  1. Battle of Spawn - The largest battle ever seen on 2b2t and the largest battle during the Rusher War. The battle was recorded to have +30 combatants of varying groups such as the Peacekeepers, Team Aurora, the 4th Reich, Team Rusher, and Team Veteran. Its been noted that 30 Veterans (including 4th Reich members) and 3 Rushers were present at the battle.
Combatants Casualties
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Category:HistoryCategory:Lacking InfoCategory:NoInfoCategory:Events

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